Monday, November 13, 2006

The Boss

"Where the Bands Are" by the legendary Bruce Springsteen is my next song. Being from NJ, Bruce is one of my favorite artists and it seems like most people from NJ love him as well. I saw this thing on CNN awhile where they asked people if Bruce ran for Senate, they vote for him. A surprising number said yes despite Bruce's only involvement in politics are the power his songs have.

Getting to the song, its off 18 Tracks which is basically a composition of songs that Bruce had written for other albums but did not make the album. There are some real gems on it.

Duration: 225 seconds
Climax: 141 seconds starts "And I want something that'll break my chains"

225 by 141 is 1.5957 which is close enough as per our criteria.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i know you guys love bruce, you should see if more of his stuff is part of the golden section