Sunday, October 29, 2006

Lets get things started

Ok guys, here we go. I created this blog so we can talk about our findings of the Fibonacci sequence in popular music. The Fibonacci sequence (or the golden section) is a math formula that can be applied to music using a simple formula which basically states that the climax of a piece of music occurs 2/3rds of the way through a song. One theory of the sequence states that the most popular items in human culture (whether music, movies, etc.) conform to this sequence. Since we all like different kinds of music, we can compile our findings on this blog and see if there are any relationships between them. How cool would it be if we actually found some connection between different songs, artists, and albums. I don't know how many songs actually correspond to the gold section, but I bet it's more than we think. So lets see where this takes us, hopefully we discover some really cool stuff!

*please note that we originally had this blog on another site and had to move it, so that's why the posts start on October 29th but the comments start on December 18th. *

1 comment:

BrandtE28 said...

Hey Seth,

Why don't we add alittle color or pizzazz to the blog?