Friday, February 23, 2007

It's too good to keep quiet..

Perhaps against the wishes of the team at this current moment, I have researched Billy Joel's Greatest Hits Volume 1 because it's a cd I own personally and have listened to for years since I took the cd from my parents! That being said, I found some very prmising results..

The first track of the cd is the extremely famous "Piano Man". I think just about every person in the world can sing along with this song whenever it is on the radio or playing at the bar and whatnot..

The song is 5:36 long and the golden section begins at 3:27 into the song...

336/207 = 1.623

This is a great start to my research because the first song was a hit and aligned with Fibonacci pretty closely.....

I will move through the album and more great stuff is to come!

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