Thursday, February 15, 2007

Nothing Compares to you

Rod takes on Sinead O'connor's hit "Nothing Compares to You" with the help of Tony Braxton...

The song is a live performance and is 5:00 in length. The golden section lasts from 2:56 to 3:14. This would put the midpoint at 3:05.

300/185 = 1.6216

This is extremely close to 1.618....there seems to be something about Rod...

His aura never ceases to amaze me!

Happy birthday to two great men born on Feb father Ed Sr. and Seth's little brother Zach!


Mr. Mandelbrot said...

Rod didn't make the song. If the song is "perfect", merits should go neither to Rod nor Sinead, but to Prince.

noisyneil said...

there must be so many facets of musical composition that might conform to these numbers. seems a shame to restrict the blog to song length. melody, rhythm, orchestral density, timbre, key, register, tempo, acoustics, harmonic complexity... these could all exhibit "golden" qualities. i suppose it's a lot simpler look at length, but really there's so much more we could be discovering! :-)