Sunday, January 21, 2007

Everybody Plays the Fool

Number 88 on the list was Aaron Neville's take on the classic, "Everybody Plays the Fool." This was the first song i checked out from this year so I was all pumped up to see if 1991 would start off with a bang. No such luck. The climax comes fairly early in the song, at 147 seconds in(as Neville shouts out a nice loud "HEY." The song is 265 seconds long so that gives a ratio of 1.80, too large to be considered a golden section song. An argument could be made for the climax being in the very beginning, when he hits a few nice high notes right off the bat. I hoped these might corresond to some of the Fibonacci numbers, but on this day, I was playing the fool-no relationships here. Great song though. See everyone soon.

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